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The Anniversary of Meeting Theo!

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Today marks the 4th anniversary since I met Theo for the 1st time (scary indeed!) and we put together the initial plan and took his ideas for the logo and the design and develoment of the website for ‪#‎SBS‬. Blimey, what a rollercoaster of a journey since then: Tears in Edgbaston in 2012 (more out of nerves and relief than anything else!), the 'blind' site launch last year at the ICC – where I was put completely on the spot by Theo to show the true search engine value of the #SBS new website – remember that Chris Ellinas?!  Hopefully, we have delivered a site by Winners for Winners, which gives you some extra profile and some search engine juice. I am sure improvements will be made over the coming months and years, and that this will be mainly driven by you, the Winners.  A also hope that this has had had positive effects on your business. Chris

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