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The Brains Behind Laene Scandinavia

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TIFF works closely with all the brands on the site, and we think it is important that you should know a bit more about them and their wonderful ethical products. Today, we did a mini interview with Heidi from Laene Scandinavia, who speaks to us about her artistic streak and curiosity to combine sustainability and high-tech clothing.

WHO: Heidi
FROM: Laene Scandinavia

LAENE - Garment Production Dye - Portugal
Garment production dye, Portugal

Talk us through your journey, from your background to founder of Laene Scandinavia.
I grew up in the West Coast of Finland, in an environment of pure nature, tranquility, and wild beauty. Where only the cold dark long winters challenge the people. Where the kids can move freely outside in the nature and be creative. I have always been very active since a child. Right after learning to walk I was already on skies, then I found my passion for horses and other sports. I was also very innovative in thinking outside of the box and making my own “creations” inside home and in nature. My artistic side was growing and I decided to start studying fashion design. I wanted to have a creative profession that I would enjoy.

I studied and graduated with a Masters degree in the University of London, College of Fashion. During my studies I started to research and develop my own techniques and materials, sustainability and seamless construction in garments. Soon after the studies it was clear that I should create my own clothing line, as I saw, that it was impossible to find clothing that I would like to wear – ethically made clothing, functional and fashionable at the same time. Another reason to establish Laene was to create a positive and stress free work environment without limits and have fun while working!

Eluxe Wind Sweater
Eluxe Wind Sweater

Where do your inspirations come from?
I’m inspired by my own and others everyday active lifestyle. I love to resolve problems, creating clothing that are super functional responding to our physiological, practical and sociological needs: the way we move from place to another, sporting activities we love to do, weather conditions, respond to our ethical philosophy and style taste. Visually I’m inspired by the Scandinavian virgin and harsh nature, our traditional handicrafts and minimalist design aesthetics, however for me design never comes without function. I’m especially founded by the way the modern architecture and high-technology stand side by side in the Finnish landscape, use of natural and sustainable local materials in a streamlined form, which creates a sharp and sophisticated contrast, which also is seen in Laene’s concept.

Your garments are a fusion of technology and sustainability, how do the two collide creatively?
At Laene high-technology and sustainability goes hand in hand. I’m using only the latest technology which is sustainable, which creates less waste material, saves time and energy in production together with sustainable raw materials. Sustainability also limits possibilities, which pushes to think and create even harder to do things in a new way, which in turn outcomes completely new products. Isn’t that rewarding and fun!

LAENE Bonding Technology

Laene Bonding Technology 

Why do new technologies have such a high importance in your creative work?
I’m a technoholik, but using new technologies in clothing is also the path towards the future. Innovativity is inherited in my personality, doing things in a conventional way is unexciting for me. I get ideas of new smart products all the time in order to help each of us in everyday life, however the process from an idea to sellable product is too slow which is still the problem in clothing industry.

LAENE - Garment Production 1 - Portugal

Garment Production, Portugal

How do you see Laene Scandinavia developing in the future, is your primary focus the sportswear industry?
Laene is a fusion of sports, sustainability and style. My primary focus is to create versatile clothing which looks like contemporary fashion, has comfortable and luxurious materials, function better than any sportswear and are 100% sustainable. The idea is simply that you wear Laene’s clothing wherever you want, and they work, protect and give you comfort from running track to brunch or office, whatever you decide to do during your day. They are clever clothing living and moving with you, without that you even think about wearing something. (Isn’t it many times the case, that you pay attention on clothing if they bother you somehow, or are uncomfortable: inflexible, heavy, cold, too hot or you simply feel insecure in them.) I endeavour to grow Laene in order to provide wider range of these comfortable, advanced and exciting products to help and give sustainable luxe for our everyday life.

UV-Bike Jacket Grey

UV Bike Jacket

What aspect of your products is ethical and how important is being eco friendly for Laene Scandinavia?
Laene is 360° ethical, meaning that every decision from production to small detail is made from ethical point of view. All materials used are ecologically certified made in Europe. I have lovely collaborators in the Porto area in Portugal, so we try to do everything as local as possible. We operate mainly in online, we reduce all packaging in minimum, we don’t even make hang tags in order to decrease waste, instead we use a simple sticker on a garment. Ethical philosophy is the backbone of my life therefore Laene couldn’t be anything else. Laene as well as Tiff and many other sustainable pioneers endeavour to help our planet and humanity to have a clean and safe place to live. It’s all about will to contribute in better and equal life.

You can shop Leane Scandinavia’s products here.

UV-Bike Jacket Grey 2

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