Since winning SBS we've been even busier than ever and the PR machine has certainly been rolling. So far we've been involved with supplying TV for The White Queen, Dr Who (Robots of Sherwood) and new series The Royals made in the US featuring our own Liz Hurley and we were even approached by a production company to supply a bow for an Ed Sheeran music vid! We've had peak airtime on BBC Radio 2 drive time slot plus local radio interviews. On top of our normal retail business we've also managed to launch our new archery events arm to the company ( bringing archery to all ages in several new and exciting ways and become part of The Telegraphs 27 most disruptive entrepreneurs of 2014! Sometime soon we will get some sleep and a well earned holiday… but not yet.
Winning SBS has helped us open some of those doors and here's just a few of the great articles that have boosted our company profile.
It just remains to be said that if you don't give in and keep on sending out those press releases it only takes one or 2 to get the ball rolling and the interest coming in from the media – watch this space for a possible BBC Breakfast TV interview soon!