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Walking the marketing walk in your shoes

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When it comes to marketing support, I practice what I preach or at least try to in the main, regarding helping and offering marketing support to my clients, co-workers and networks. And, I have been in your shoes.

Marketing support

So what do I mean by this? I have set up a service based business and I have grown it through the good and bad times. I have gained clients and lost clients (more gained though!) and I have won new business and missed out too. I have attended the networking eventd as a first, I have set up and sent my first newsletter and I have launched a new website. I have created and updated my own marketing reports and marketing plan and measured my own activity. Therefore I believe all of this qualifies me to say I know what I am doing.

When talking to a colleague recently about what I could cover in my own future marketing messaging, she asked me what I would say to a client? So I thought I would share this with you in this blog.

Marketing steps

During an initial chat or call or email exchange, I ask them questions on what they offer and to whom, what marketing they do or don't do, where their leads come from, what is their USP and messaging and who is their competition. These answers either ring alarm bells for potential areas to be improved on or they emphasise what is going well or gaps to address within the business. The answers also confirm what works well so this can be enhanced on and repeated. My advice and recommendations post call/chat are normally around areas to improve on within the business, new marketing methods to try, research to do and giving solutions/introductions to the support they may need going forward. This advice and these recommendations can then lead to consultancy, written plans, hands on support and retainer based implementation. Your marketing, your choice, your way.

Marketing mindset

I never assume, dictate, dismiss or ignore. Nor do I overpromise or mislead. I do however help and guide, support, empathise, care and bring fresh ideas with results. I do also take the overwhelm out of the planning and give step by step strategies to make marketing a service based business as simple as can be. These step by step tactics, aimed mainly at B2B businesses, ensure productivity, results and givr an ongoing, consistent marketing presence.

The Marketing journey

Find out more about Pinpoint Marketing's journey and how we can start to help you on yours. I have been in your shoes and I have walked in your shoes …

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