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Welcome Back to The Kimberley, Harrogate!

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It’s been a while since we caught up with you on here and now that we are back Open for Business, we thought we’d tell you all about our updated and amplified hygiene and safety measures in place, along with other things happening in the Hotel, as we embark on the “new normal”!


Safety screens and social distancing stickers are in place in Reception and on arrival for check in, we now ask all Guests to check their temperatures on our contactless thermometer, on the wall in Reception. We also have extra hand sanitising stations all around the Hotel. ✅


Our staff are now all in visors or masks, when not behind the screens, another new normal we are slowly getting used to and quite enjoying now (think we all secretly feel like Rocket Scientists!)  .


We are currently only using 40 or our 72 bedrooms, as an extra safety measure and when a Guest has stayed, we block the room out for 24 hours, before the Housekeepers enter.

We are only offering a limited Housekeeping service at present, so for stays under 3 nights, there is no Housekeeping service unless requested.

We do advise Guests on arrival, that should they need extra toiletries, towels or the tea tray restocking, that can all be arranged/replaced at Reception.

We are proud to be Green here at The Kimberley and all of our toiletries are Eco-Friendly. ♻


We are happy to say, our Restaurant is once again Open and we are now able to offer Breakfast and Evening meals, by reservation only.

Breakfast is 7.00am & finishes at 9.30 weekdays. 7.30am to 10.00am on Saturday & Sundays. Sittings are every half hour and we request Guests to book a time slot on arrival.

Dinner is from 6.00pm until 8.30pm (last sitting) to ensure Guests are finished in line with the government restrictions, again in half hour slots.

N.B. We also have hand sanitizers on all of the tables in the Restaurant.

We are asking Residents to vacate the Bar at 10pm, again in line with government restrictions.

However, after that time, we are able to run the Mini Bar from Reception for Guests wanting to take drinks to their rooms.

Please see our temporarily reduced Menus for Breakfast and Evening meals below, along with Drinks available to purchase from Reception when our Bar is closed. 

N.B. Our Bistro Menu is subject to change and may slightly differ during your stay, depending on available produce that week.

We’re loving being able to welcome Guests to stay with us once more and have been blessed to receive some glowing reviews since opening back up, post-lockdown.

We currently have a Flash Sale running this month for you to take advantage of (see our Facebook page for more details) and we greatly look forward to welcoming you to Harrogate in the near future.☺

Thank you so much for your continued support and patience through these difficult times, we couldn’t have gotten through it without you all! ❤

Visit our website for extra pictures, that wouldn't load on here.

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