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What Makes Blog Posts So Popular for Business?

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A highly effective way to generate leads and increase sales

Different marketing techniques work for different types of businesses, but there's one platform they all seem to grow from, and that's the blog. Without a doubt, I'm asked to write blog posts more than anything else as a copywriter. This got me thinking about what makes blog posts so popular in the business world, and being the generous kind of guy I am, I'll tell you.

Blog posts are a simple but effective marketing tool. They can be as clever or as fun as you like, they can be about your business, or something more personal which can be crafted in to a call to action. Their uses are various, but they must all be one thing: informative. A blog post should be an accessible way for potential clients and customers to gain information about your brand.

Personal blog posts, about what you were doing before you started your business, for example, can work, because they enhance the identity you're creating, letting your company's personality flourish. Similarly, blog posts about your products or services are equally effective, and give you a chance to 'show and tell', displaying your expertise, and highlighting you as a leader in your industry – not a follower. In fact, strike a balance in the middle, and you're on to a winner. Whichever path you go down with your blogging, though, make sure to stick to it. Twenty consecutive posts about the ins and outs of CSS frameworks, and then one post about your birthday dinner at Nandos is going to cloud your company's voice and confuse your reader.

By publishing regular blog posts on your website with strong keywords, your SEO will keep improving. If you're unsure about how to bump up the SEO in your own writing, then a professional copywriter can make that happen. Your conversion rates will go up, and so will business. Their timely and informative nature is great for catching people's attention in your social media marketing and email campaigns, driving people towards your website, and in turn, what you're selling. No matter what your topic, a great copywriter will create a great call to action within your post, ensuring that once you've caught your fish, they're not going to wriggle from your hands. Did you know that a whopping 60% of businesses who publish regular blog posts gain new customers? That sounds like pretty good stakes to me.

Blog posts can also open up a dialogue between you and your customers. Enabling a means for customers to create feedback on your blog, and start a conversation with you, is a unique dynamic that can result in customers feeling more involved and committed to your company. If you're publishing blog posts regularly then this marketing technique will also create trust – such a frequently updated blog backs up the fact that you're the 'real deal', that you 'mean business', and that you're 'ones to watch'. On the back of that information you may find your company begins picking up more PR too, as press are always interested in active business bloggers.

With blog posts, you can stay ahead of the trend. Having to think of new topics to blog about will mean you will regularly be researching your industry and your customers, gaining new information and insights all the time, which you can then be pro-active about. Publishing blog posts will also help with customer insights as you will be able to study click-throughs, comments, and post shares.

A frequently updated blog is an investment that will give your company unique assets for creating brand awareness and growing as a business. A lot of businesses make a point of posting once a month, and from this alone the benefits are many. For this reason, blog posts are so affordable, yet so very priceless.

If you're looking for a professional hand to pen your posts, and you would like to know more about what I can offer your blogging strategy, check out my website, and feel free to get in touch, I'm always happy to chat.

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